Vesanto - Rimini - Torun

Vesanto - Rimini - Toruń

Monday 3 November 2014

About us – our attitude to being ‘green’ and sustainable development (Poland)

The progress of civilization brings a lot of facilities for contemporary society. Especially the young generation is willing to employ technological innovations. However, one has to remember that rapid economical progress of the world causes impendency for the natural environment.
For the School Complex No 7 in Toruń the idea of sustainable development […] became particularly important. […] The ecological character of the School Complex No 7 has been developed over the past ten years. It was started when the terms like ‘ecology’, ‘environmental protection’ or simply ‘green’ were not given a particular attention. […] In local region, our small motherland, the School Complex No 7 is associated with the world ‘green’ both literally and metaphorically. The effectiveness of the institution is emphasized with its image, which is a green island among the concrete blocks of flats. We do care about the history of our area through visiting and looking after historical places, as well as through collecting information about historical buildings and their past and present roles. […]
In 2004 the School Complex No 7 in Toruń was rewarded the first degree of the ‘Green Certificate’. […] As a result, the School Complex No 7 is now perceived as more attractive in both ecological and educational sense. It also opened the door for activating the local society and popularizing ecology among local people, what led to a significant improvement in the authority of the school. […]
Between 2007 and 2009 the school workers managed to carry into effect another activity in the field of sustainable development that was inseparably linked to local needs and the vision of our school. Within the frames of the project called “Our ‘Baszka’ that is the Toruń Stream” (Nasza Baszka czyli Struga toruńska) all the undertaken actions became a natural way of continuation of the previous activities and involved local activities and other subjects. […]
In the calendar of the school events different ecological actions that involve not only school workers but also local citizens are of prime importance. The list includes orienteering event along the educational path of the ‘Mokre’ District, family races along the Toruń Stream, ‘Clean up the world’, family picnics, St. Nicolaus Day for animals and charity concerts ‘It’s good to be together’. […]
The crowning achievement of the common effort is both the quality sign for an environmentally friendly school that propagates the idea of sustainable development, as well as the ‘Green Certificate’ of the second degree that is seldom to be found among schools in Poland. 

Lucyna Namysłowska-Hartowicz
Marzena Polaszewska

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